Get Active For Animals

The best way to persuade others to adopt humane and responsible lifestyles is to set a good example. Think realistically about how you're going to fit environmental and animal activism into your life. You may have a full-time job and may have to juggle time with family and friends. Can you re-plan your schedule or transfer some duties to a coworker, spouse, or someone else to allow yourself time to focus on animal and environmental activities? Maybe you can incorporate some animal and environmental work into the church, office, family or political activities you're already involved in. You do not want to overextend yourself in a blaze of glory, only to burn out in six months. Think carefully about how you're going to schedule activism into your daily routine so that it will become a part of your life and not an intrusion.

12 Steps To Become An Animal Advocate

An animal advocate is one who fights for animals to have the right to exist without the fear of being mistreated, exploited or exterminated. The welfare of animals is foremost in the mind of a genuine animal activist. Advocates work to ensure that animals receive proper care, treatment and respect, and endeavor to create awareness among the public about animal exploitation and abuse issues. Animal advocates can be individuals, volunteers of an organization, or paid employees of an organization.

1. Determine Your Strengths

A good way to become an animal activist is to make a list of your strengths. Everyone is endowed with some skills; it makes sense to chose those skills that are conducive to animal rights activism. Your personal strengths can be used to make a big impact for animals.

2. Choose Your Cause

Find out as much as you can about animals and the various issues affecting them. This could include habitat destruction, deforestation, animal agriculture, urban development, illegal trafficking, neglect and various forms of animal exploitation and abuse. It is advisable to choose just one or two areas to focus on. Trying to pursue too many causes can prove diversionary and quickly burn you out.

3. Know Your Subject

Your ability to convince people is greatly affected by the amount of knowledge you possess about the subject. Watching documentaries, searching the web, reading books, and perusing articles will help you gain knowledge on your chosen issues. It also helps to compile a data bank which can lend strength to your arguments when you present facts to potential enthusiasts or donors.

4. Get Connected

Individual effort is indeed a good way to advocate animal protection and preservation. But activism is more effective when you connect with other people who also feel passionately about the subject. Meet-ups with like-minded people in your locality, or attending workshops or seminars, are productive ways to stay connected with fellow activists and potential activists. Join online groups associated with your cause.

5. Volunteer

To make headway in animal advocacy, nothing is more constructive than volunteer work. Take part in activities of organizations that espouse similar causes as yours. Getting in touch with local chapters of humane societies, SPCAs, or wildlife rehabilitation centers is a good place to start.

6. Plant A Seed

To circulate your passion for animal advocacy go on-line. The web offers instant communication to large numbers of people - not just locally, but worldwide. Construct a blog or a website, or create social media pages. Make people feel your passion for the subject. Create well-written articles on sensitive issues, or post recent news topics on the subject. This will create awareness among those who may not have been previously aware of the issue.

7. Listen

Most of the people you speak to about animal issues are clear about what they feel. Listen to their viewpoint and find common ground. Determine what your target audience feels about the subject and offer a little additional information to make them think more deeply about the subject.

8. Power Of The Pen

Letter and email writing can be powerful tools in promoting your cause. Write to authourities and companies at local and national levels about animal issues. Many of the addresses of such agencies, institutions and corporations can be found on the web. You can also write letters to the editor(s) of your local newspaper(s).

9. Raise Funds

Organize fund-raising activities for your cause. Dinner events, bake sales and marathons can attract hundreds of participants. Proceeds from such activities can be used for your own group, or can be donated to organizations that support your goals.

10. Be Prepared

Make sure to carry brochures, pamphlets or business cards with you wherever you go. There are numerous opportunities throughout the day to distribute educational and promotional materials that draw attention to your cause.

11. Get Noticed, Get Vocal

Getting visible is the name of the game. Catchy animal photographs and posters displayed at local events will draw people to your table or booth. Circulate literature about your activities via brochures and business cards carrying URLs of your website, blog or social media page. Arrange for lecture appointments at schools, colleges and universities. Make your presence known to local authorities and regulators. Post messages and videos on your site and social media outlets to gain wider dissemination of information on the issues you stand for.

12. Practice, Practice, Practice

Animal advocacy is like any other skill: the more you practice, the better you’ll become. Hone your skills.

Become An Advocate

You've recently learned about animal issues. Or you're concerned about endangered species. Or you've been concerned about the environment for many years and have decided it's time to educate society about the issues. You may be timid or think you do not speak well in public. Perhaps you've never been involved in an activist group and you do not know the first thing about them. You may feel that you are all alone. But as an individual you can educate hundreds of people in your community and affect their often unwittingly exploitative attitudes and lifestyles.

Earth and animal advocates are people who see the need for change and devote their time to doing something about it. They are driven by passion and a vision for a better future for animals and the environment. Whatever your reason for wanting to become an earth and animal advocate, you have the ability to do so no matter your age, your means or your background. It's people like you, people who believe they have the power to make a difference, who end up bringing remarkable change for the planet and its animals.

Perhaps there are no animal or environmental groups in your area. But there is one animal advocate/environmentalist person—you. Anyone can be an earth and animal activist. It does not take any special skills or superhuman abilities. You just need to care enough about animals to want to help them.

Earth and animal advocates are passionate enough to believe they can make change happen if they work hard enough to find a solution. While many people might become stalled when faced with the question, "How much good can one individual do?", advocates believe that one dedicated and persistent person can make a difference for the earth and its animals.

Everyday Activism

Practice earth and animal activism at home, at work and in your community. Making a difference for the earth and animals can be as easy as posting messages on Facebook and blogs and participating in conversations relevant to your passion. Use your particular talents to bring positive changes for the planet and its animals.

  • Write to producers and networks of television programs in which animals are abused or ridiculed.
  • Write to thank producers and publishers for animal-friendly messages in print and on television.
  • Write letters to companies that conduct animal experiments.
  • Write letters to companies that use real wild and exotic animals in their commercials.
  • Write letters to the editor on earth and animal issues.
  • Write a letter to the editor of a newspaper that allows ads for fur, circuses or rodeos.
  • Write and call legislators to ask them to support animal-friendly legislation and thank them for past support.
  • Call the sponsors of upcoming entertainment events that use animals and ask them not to sponsor animal entertainment.
  • Encourage radio and television talk shows to discuss animal issues.
  • Record a pro animal/environment message on your voice mail.
  • Include a flyer or fact sheet with every bill you pay.
  • Ask your child’s teacher to stop keeping animals in the classroom.
  • Ask your child's school to stop requiring students to dissect animals.
  • Offer to walk a tethered neighbor dog and provide the dog with food, fresh water and toys.
  • Turn your backyard into a wildlife sanctuary.
  • Deal with wildlife problems humanely.
  • I.D. your companion animals and encourage others to do the same.
  • Prepare disaster kits for your companion animals.

  • Post flyers and fact sheets on work bulletin boards.
  • Donate to organizations that legitimately help animals and the environment. Expose greenwash organizations to coworkers so they can make more informed decisions regarding their donations.
  • Encourage coworkers to donate to organizations that do not test on animals.
  • Make cruelty-free and environmentally responsible investments.
  • Buy cruelty-free and green supplies for your office.
  • Use a coffee mug with a pro animal or pro earth message at work.
  • Take vegan dishes to office parties.
  • Encourage your workplace to implement dog-friendly policies.
  • Hold a volunteer work party to write letters, help out at an animal shelter, or make banners or signs for a demonstration.

  • Donate pro earth and animal books to your local library.
  • Setup a library display with a poster, flyers and appropriate books.
  • Donate pro earth and animal DVDs to your local video rental store.
  • Wear clothes and buttons with earth and animal statements.
  • Post and distribute flyers and fact sheets around your town.
  • Setup an information table in a busy area of town to distribute flyers and fact sheets.
  • Offer to show videos and host seminars.
  • Take vegan meals to community functions and share the recipes.
  • Show your hairdresser products that aren’t tested on animals.
  • Encourage local pet stores to stop selling animals and to work with local animal groups to offer adoptions instead.
  • Organize a low cost spay and neuter event in your community.
  • Work to get local universities and schools to stop requiring dissection and to add vegan options to their menu.
  • Help feral cats in your neighborhood with Trap-Neuter-Return.
  • Ask for vegan options at local restaurants and grocery stores.
  • Suggest an earth or animal themed book for your next book club meeting.
  • Work to engage your place of worship with animal and environmental issues.
  • Register to vote.
  • Determine which elected officials represent you at local, state and federal levels.
  • Encourage local officials to find long-lasting, nonlethal solutions to conflicts with wildlife.
  • Attend town meetings to urge officials to support animal and environmental issues.
  • Work for the passage of local ordinances in your community.
  • Engage kids and teens with humane education activities and lesson plans.
  • Learn what animal and environmental legislation is now pending in Congress, and contact your federal and state legislators.
  • Organize a demonstration to help the earth and animals - holding posters and passing out flyers.
  • Promote earth and animal issues on cable-access television.
  • Speak at your club or church about earth and animal issues.
  • Host an earth and animal dinner party.
  • Teach a college or community education course on earth and animal issues.
  • Speak, or sponsor a speaker, at local schools, universities and civic clubs.
  • Find a local wildlife rescuer to help stop cruel trapping and killing of animals in your community.
  • Find free advertising space in your town for earth and animal issues.
  • Organize a litter cleanup in your town.

  • Follow organizations on social media. Help spread the word about animal issues by sharing posts, links and photos.
  • Include a links in your e-mail signature.
  • Add a links to your website, blog or social networking page.
  • Sign online earth and animal petitions.
  • Place earth and animal banners on your blog or website.

  • Host a fundraising party at home to raise donations.
  • Host a fundraising event in your community to raise donations.
  • Make a personal annual or monthly donation to charity.
  • Donate a percentage of your online sales to an organization.
  • Donate a percentage of your business profits.
  • Make a memorial gift in honor of a friend or companion animal.
  • Include an organization as a beneficiary in your will.

  • Adopt an animal from a local animal shelter or rescue group.
  • Purchase eco-friendly and cruelty-free cosmetics, clothing and household products.
  • Provide for your animals’ future in case you can’t care for them.
  • Wear pro earth and pro animal t-shirts.
  • Display a bumper sticker on your car.
  • Display earth and animal stickers and magnets on yourself and your stuff.
  • Reduce or eliminate animal products from your diet.
  • Boycott animal entertainment.
  • Reduce, Reuse and Recycle.
  • Shop and dine locally.

Getting Started

Figure out what earth and animal issue(s) you are most passionate about. Passion often comes from a sudden realization that changes your life forever. Once the realization hits you, it is what will stoke the embers of your earth and animal activism, even at the lowest points when you sometimes feel like giving up. Once you are aware of something in the world that you believe needs changed, that awareness will motivate you constantly and cause you to see the need everywhere, bringing a sense of responsibility with it.

Getting Started

Write Letters

You can get great exposure for earth and animal issues by writing letters to the editors of newspapers or magazines, writing letters to businesses and writing letters to legislators. Use your clout as a consumer to protest companies that exploit the environment and animals. While everyone is good at complaining about politics to their friends, too few citizens express their opinions to those who can do something about it: legislators.

Write Letters

Leafleting & Tabling

You don't have to form a group to accomplish something; you can do a lot by yourself. If you've uncovered an important local issue, you may wish to print a flyer to hand out to people on the street. Or maybe you've collected signatures from people enthusiastic about earth and animal issues and want to invite them to a meeting with an inspiring speaker. Or you may want to urge local residents to spay and neuter their animals. Once you've defined your message and audience, try to prepare a leaflet that will reach them.

Leafleting & Tabling

Start A Group

As you set up tables and distribute leaflets, you'll meet people who feel the way you do about earth and animal issues. Although it's not absolutely necessary, you can increase your effectiveness by joining forces and forming a group. A group can have more clout than one person. The media, the government, and the public will usually give more serious consideration to the views of a group.

Start A Group

Speak Publicly

Surveys show that public speaking is the number one phobia in America. The fear of death is number seven! The idea of speaking before a group may terrify you, but one day you'll need to speak publicly to help animals and the planet. If you plan your speech and rehearse your presentation, you may still be nervous but at least people will listen.

Speak Publicly

Hold A Public Meeting

If you've tabled enough to build up an e-mail list or social media following of 100 or more people, you may want to hold a public meeting. There are several good reasons to hold a meeting: to form a local group, to show an animal or environmental film, or to have a speaker urge people to take action on a particular issue. Be sure you're clear about the purpose of your meeting, as this affects how you plan it.

Hold A Meeting

Plan A Campaign

A campaign requires a great deal of commitment, planning and organization. While it's possible to do this alone, the support of others is very desirable. In either case, it's important to establish an identity as a group. Once you get going, others will join you. You, however, must expect to lead the way.

Plan A Campaign

Organize A Protest

When you just can't stay silent on a particular earth and animal issue, expressing your views through civil protest is a positive way to make a difference. Gathering with other people to collectively speak out against animal and environmental wrongdoing is a fundamental right and a powerful way to bring about change.

Organize A Protest

Start A Nonprofit

Are you determined to help the earth and animals by starting a nonprofit organization? To start a nonprofit you'll need a unique idea that distinguishes your group from similar organizations, a carefully-drafted plan of action, and the passion to keep working toward your goals even when times get tough.

Start A Nonprofit

Lobby For Animals

An essential part of any movement for social change is the effort to create new legislation. You don’t need to be an expert on law or politics to lobby your elected officials, but you do need to know how to communicate with them effectively.

Lobby For Animals


Much of the work you will do as an activist requires no more (and no less) than caring and motivation. On the other hand, making flyers, setting up tables and forming groups also requires some money to cover costs.


Work With The Media

Your goal is to become a resource on earth and animal issues for the media. You can start by letting them know that you exist and by cultivating contacts. You don’t have to be an expert on every issue, but you should be open to learning about issues when they come up in the news.

Work With The Media